Our Clinic offers a safe space for direct/1:1 applied behavioral analytic intervention for our clients with few communication, social/emotional, and adaptive skills. Each treatment program is individualized and designed to address the impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on our client and his/her family.
The focus of treatment is on skill acquisition. Home/community based sessions would be incorporated once the client has demonstrated emerging skills in the communication and social/emotional domains.
- Builds Skills
- Improves Communication
- Fully Customized
Applied behavioral analytic intervention sessions in the Home/Community setting are for our clients with emerging communication, social/emotional, and adaptive skills. Each treatment program is individualized and designed to address the impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on our client in his/her natural environment. The focus on treatment is not only on skill acquisition but also on skill generalization and maintenance.
Social skills training and parent coaching would be incorporated during this treatment phase to continue expanding the child’s skill repertoire as well as empowering our parents to interact with their child in a more productive and meaningful manner.
- Maintains Skills
- Empowers Parents
- Familiar Environment

Taking place in a group setting with peers, Social Skills Training provides your child the opportunity to practice the acquired communication, social/emotional, and adaptive skills, as well as developing more complex social behavior, e.g., problem-solving and negotiation, in real-time.
- Group Environment
- Improves Complex Skills
- Practice Social Skills
Being a parent is a privilege. Not only do we get to shape the mind of a child from day one, but we also play an essential role in determining the child’s future. We all desire to be the best parents for our children; however, it is so much more difficult in our time.
Despite the vast amount of information available at our fingertips, we often find ourselves confused by the conflicting advice from the “experts.” Furthermore, some strategies might work in the beginning but gradually lose their effectiveness, and we end up trapped in the loop of trying the latest parenting fads.
Parenting is a collection of skills that can be learned, improved upon, and fine-tuned. Every Parenting Coach at CABC is a well-trained behavior artist, who incorporates learning principles to develop individualized parenting strategies for you and your child. Having a Parenting Coach in your corner enables you to master the art of parenting while juggling many other responsibilities and obligations as a modern parent.
- Empowers Parents
- Improves Parenting Strategies
- Fine Tunes Communication